Romantic Erotica, Art & Writings

VENECIA, A Novel: Summary & Outline

An Erotic Epic Allegory

Illustrated Romantic Literary Erotica... 


This is a quite long, 'epic' erotica novel.   However, unlike most novels, it IS possible for the reader to jump around between the various tomes, chapters and scenes you're most interested in.   If you're especially interested in, say, fellatio, or cunnilingus, then go directly to those chapters
 If you prefer a slower, very romantic courtship with a maiden, dripping with erotic symbolisms, then start at the beginning.  If you prefer anal sex, then hit those later chapters.  You can always come back later for the romance.

Of course, you’ll misunderstand a few things by skipping around.   So it's advisable to at least read through this overall summary of the novel (if only to find the chapters you want), and maybe especially read such pertinent chapters as these:

--   Life of a Witch:  which describes who Venecia, the magical ‘swamp witch’ maiden who lives in a cave, is.

--   Tomek's Life: which tells who her suitor, Tomek, is.


 Actually, you're pretty much forced to jump around at the moment.  This is a work in progress,  Although I have 1000s of pages typed on my computer, I don’t upload them because they still need so much editing (and shortening!)     But I regularly upload new scenes.   So read, add your comments, bookmark this site, and keep checking back…!

          This 'epic sized' novel is divided into 21 'Tomes' (or ‘stages’, sections, branches, as you will).   And each Tome subdivided into many chapters.     Here is the list & summary of all the 'Tomes'.....


— Beginnings:

Tomek's ship has crashed on an isle shaped like a woman.  He soon spies a magical maiden in the forest, but she gets away.  Over the next chapters he keeps following her scent and footprints all across this most strange, magical isle. The story is peppered with erotic symbolisms and fables, but the isle is under siege, being invaded by the ‘Plasticos’ people.  Eventually, Tomek discovers Venecia's abode in a cave in the thick jungles, and spies on her magical nude dawn dance.

       &  The Meeting:  Wherein Tomek announces himself to her, although this scares the maiden back into her cave.


— Courtship

    A long series of very romantic chapters as Tomek tried to court the resistant maiden.   There’s a bit of erotic symbolism here and there, but its mostly pretty tame.   Handholding?  Ok.  But not more will the maiden of the forest allow.   Some of you may get bored and might skip this Tome.  (But for you romance lovers, this Tome could  be a fav.)


— Trip North

Tomek & Venecia decide they should help the islanders save the isle in its struggle against the 'Plasticos' invaders.   They decide to consult the famous oracle, which is the magical round lake of the far north.   So they travel across the whole isle, meeting people as they do.


— Kisses

Now at the oracle, at the magical 'Tulip Lake' of the north, they share their first kiss.   And well, keep on kissing.   In these chapters are some of he most intense kissing scenes ever written.    After kisses like these, Tomek proposes marriage to the virgin, and she accepts.  But then Tomek starts talking rather lewdly…


— Peach Mountains (Bosom Play)

Returning south again, they hike the Twin Peaks, from where they can see the whole isle.  And while harvesting in its fabled peach orchards, Tomek finally succeeds in unraveling her blouse, and getting her jutting breasts to pop out.  For you fans of breasts, the next weeks are full of breast play and sucklings.  


— Return South

They continue on south down the west beach of the isle, Tomek becoming increasingly  'grabby' over her derrière orbs.


— ‘For Play’: Hands on: Skirts, Panties & Nude

(Early foreplay) His hands keep moving over her these days.  He is peeking up her skirts, sniffing her panties, trying to peel them off, and, well, just touching and caressing her everywhere he can!  Bit by bit, he overcomes the maiden’s initial resistance, and she seems to be liking this more and more!


— Cunnilingus

The cunnilingus chapters!   Ok, you gals, you're the goddess of these chapters!  And men are glad to worship your hidden hairy altar.  This is their 'moon of honey' (or a sort of honeymoon if you will), where for a full moon month, he lovingly licks her head to toe, and especially her rose, giving her more nightly orgasms than Romeo & Juliet ever had.


— Fatherland

Ok, the tables are turned here.   They have taken a trip to the Fatherland isle, which is quite different than the Motherland isle, and inhabited by the very phallic-centered 'Shamans tribe'.   Now it's Venecia's turn to honor and worship.   And get spanked or paddled when she doesn't.  And get sprayed with cum, from head to foot, when she does.  Handjob lovers will like it here.  Feminists will hate this isle.  They might skip this stage.  (Then again, you didn't seem to mind the cunnilingus chapters, where Tomek worshiped the goddess that is in every woman.  Ehhh??!)


— Fellatio

Continuing on the Fatherland, Tomek ups the game by teaching her to suck his manhood.   Before she can become his wife, she must go through a 'hazing ritual', and pass some tests in the 'steam hut ceremony'.   So he takes her to the hut atop the spire where only eagles fly, and teaches her to suck it all night long.   And for the next moon month, she must suck him daily.   (Gals who want to learn how to become the 'best lil' cocksucker of 'em all'..., this tome is it.)  Every time she succeeds, he plants a white ribbon in her hair.   And as the legions decree, once a gal's earned her '50 white ribbons', then you have to marry her!


— Pre-coitus & Wedding

They sail back to the Motherland, and here Tomek is his normal self, and less authoritarian. Here, they both pleasure each other.  But mostly, they prepare for their wedding.  And what a wedding this is...!


— Deflowering

The virgin finally gets deflowered!  The primal maiden rose shattered.   A bit painful (lordy, that was a scream!), but also really beautiful and touching at the same time.  And on what a romantic bower bed!   Definitely the longest, most detailed deflowering experience ever written!


— Interval

Ok, she didn't orgasm during her deflowering.  I'm just being honest.   In fact, many women have trouble coming during intercourse.   But the two kept trying.   At first, she just lies there and 'takes it like a woman'.  Then she learns to move and groove and do the 'love dance' together. Then she lets the moans out, her 'love song'. Then come the 'love vibrations' where her whole body seems to be vibrating, especially at her core, ready to explode....


— Orgasmic Ocean

They decide to go back to the Fatherland isle.  And on that beautiful, star-spangled night, while he is making love to her on that rocking boat out in the middle of the ocean, she has her first orgasm.   And then another.  Definitely the most detailed account of a couple's coital experience, of every thought and feeling and tremor that flashed through either of them, as they bounded over the waves, and moved, grooved, and dug at each other, under the gathering storm clouds and lightning…

        ~          ~          ~          ~          ~


— Sex in the Mountains of the Fatherland

Now arrived back on the Fatherland again, the land of mountains, they visit the Shaman tribe again.   They have all sorts of amazing wild sex here (including numerous varieties of 'Doggy Style').


— Urban Sex

They return to the Motherland.  Their extended honeymoon is over, and they need money, so they move to the city of Urbe to get work.   But they continue to explore their sexuallity, trying new things...


—Positions & the 'Goddess Spot'

       This tome recounts a lot of the various positions and techniques they tried, as they become ever more experimental.   When they can, they take little vacations to return to Venecia's jungle home, and have wild sex there.   He fingers her to explore her sacred 'Goddess Spot' (G-spot), and teaches her how to tighten and do the 'love squeeze' on him. 


—More & More...

This tome recounts various things, such as the interesting sexual experiences of 'the Naturals', the natives peope of the Motherland.   And Tomek keeps asking for and urging anal sex, but Venecia keeps refuising.   Various other things are happening, including her attending 'Feminist class' at the univeristy, although this ends up having a lot of repercussions on their marriage, and so they go speak to a shaman about this.


— Moon Island

They take a trip to the faraway 'Moon Island', the land of anal sex.   And here they have their first anal sex.  


— Advanced Couplings

  They are now advanced masters of the arts of love.  Venecia develops her ‘vaginal squeeze’.   They try Tantric spiritual communion, and deepen their love.  They also try many harder things, including being tied up and rough sex.   And more anal sex.   And yet more positions, techniques and scenes.


— Grande Finale

Ahh! Even epic novels must come to an end.  And what a banger of an ending this is!   They are still seeking the knowledge of how to stop the invasion of the Motherland by the Plasticos, and so they seek the oracle that is buried deep, deep in the cave where Venecia had previously lived.   Buried down in the womb of the isle.   There Venecia almost died.  But they ended up having the most amazing, most deeply orgasmic sex ever written about.   A culmination of everything they'd ever learned.   And in the process found the solution to the isle's problems.   Oh, and a special other surprise as well!


— Appendix Lexicon
    There are many dozens of names for each of the sexual body parts and acts, and we use some of the most romantic and symbolic names, and we list them for you.   add your own fav in the comments there.  

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      Author’s note:  I have over 10,000 pages written over more than a decade (typed &r handwritten).  So it's quite the task to edit it all together into a much smaller, readable series.  (Any readers interested in helping with the editing let me know).

          — Leon Nocturne